Design from anywhere

Remote working

When it came to widening remote working to all our client’s employees, our first steps were to check they had the correct hardware to remotely access the office network and a stable internet connection. Without these, the attempt to work remotely is a challenge.

The comfortable win for most clients was configuring a VPN (virtual private network) connection with minimal cost, providing the hardware and connectivity were already in place.

However, as we knew, for those requiring access to heavy graphics intense files such as BIM/CAD/3D work, VPN was not an efficient solution.

We knew exactly what our clients needed when remote working was thrust upon them in early 2020, and that was Inevidesk Virtual desktops.


virtual desktops, work from anywhere.

In 2019 one of our architecture-based clients was an early adopter of a remote working solution solely designed for the AEC sector using virtual desktops (What are virtual desktops?);

Inevidesk virtual desktop platform assists design-lead clients in moving away from physical workstations, used in either a hosted or on-premise environment to allow your designers to work from anywhere.

Virtual desktops are not just a remote working solution, you can use them whilst in your office too. Removing physical workstations helps free up valuable space under desks, reduces cost in power consumption, and provides the flexibility of not being stuck at one desk in the office or at home.

  • The main benefit of virtual desktops is flexibility.

  • It’s scalable - resources such as processing power can be scaled up or down depending on the end-user requirements.

  • Protection of business continuity.

  • Risk is reduced by having the equipment safely stored in a server room or data centre, not on the floor under desks.

  • Sustainable - reducing materials used and more power-efficient, stored in data-centres using renewable energy.

  • The ability to access from anywhere.

  • Affordable with an easy-to-understand price structure.

The Inevidesk virtual desktop service is capturing the attention and interest of some of the leading businesses in the AEC sector, and we already have some top AJ100 practices using it, why not give it a try by signing up for a free trial

For more assistance in how you too can design from anywhere get in touch.


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