Home Security: Why You Should Put IoT Devices on a Guest Wi-Fi Network

Over the past ten years, the number of home devices with internet connectivity has skyrocketed. Nowadays, a typical home contains 10.37 internet-connected devices. Most of those are IoT devices, with PCs and mobile devices accounting for just over half of them. if you don’t already, you need to protect these devices.

Why You Should Put IoT Devices on a Guest Wi-Fi Network

IoT is the Internet of Things. It refers to any additional "smart device" that connects to the internet. So everything from your streaming stick to your smart refrigerator might be an IoT device in your house. Alexa speech assistants and smart baby monitors are examples of IoT.

Another change has happened over the last couple of years, an increase in remote and hybrid work. The pandemic caused a significant shift in where we work, turning the standard office paradigm on its head.

Working remotely has become the norm for many companies worldwide, which has increased scrutiny on the security of all those IoT devices. They are now sharing a Wi-Fi network with business data and devices.

Here are two alarming statistics that illustrate the issue with IoT security:

  • During the first six months of 2021, the number of IoT cyberattacks was up 135% over the prior year.

  • It's estimated that over 25% of cyberattacks against businesses involve IoT devices.

Any other device on a network is at risk from smart devices. Usually, they are simpler to breach. As a result, hackers will utilise them as a route into more delicate equipment.

A criminal may not care about the shopping list stored in your smart refrigerator. But they'll breach that IoT device to see what other devices are on the same network. Sharing and permissions, which are frequently available on home networks, can then be used by the hacker. They can use these to access your mobile or work computer. These gadgets have access to sensitive information and hold crucial data.

Why are Internet of Things (IoT) devices less secure than laptops and smartphones? Here are some of the causes:

  • The majority of the time, they lack antivirus and anti-malware capabilities.

  • Infrequent IoT device updates are common among users.

  • They feature simple interfaces that can conceal a device breach.

  • The default username and password for a device are frequently left unchanged.

  • IoT devices are easier to hack when their settings are shared.

IoT should be on a separate Wi-Fi network to increase security.

The option to create a "guest network," which appears when you connect to Wi-Fi as a distinct Wi-Fi that a device can use to access online, is present in nearly all current routers.


Connecting all of your IoT devices to a different network may increase security because you destroy the link that cybercriminals use to go from one IoT device to another on the same network. Those that contain sensitive information, for instance (computers and mobile devices).

A hacker cannot see everything when you divide up IoT devices and sensitive-info devices. It's a vital layer of protection to utilise. After all, if they hack one of your smart devices, they won't know if you have a PC or smartphone because they're on the other network. It can be beneficial if you work remotely or use your computer for personal banking and budgeting at home because so many PCs and cellphones often have access to online banking or personal data.

Here are the steps to take to separate your IoT devices. 

  • Step 1: Log into your router settings.

  • Step 2: Look for an area that allows you to set up a guest network. It will be different for each router, so you may need to access a help guide online.

  • Step 3: Set up the guest network according to the router prompts. Make sure to use a strong password.

  • Step 4: Edit the password for your existing network; this keeps IoT devices from automatically reconnecting.

  • Step 5: Connect all IoT devices in your home to the new guest network.

  • Step 6: Reconnect your sensitive devices (computers, smartphones) to the preexisting network. Use the new password.

As you add any new devices to your home network, connect them to the appropriate network, which keeps the security layer effective.

One more tip: Don't use descriptive names when naming your Wi-Fi networks; this includes "IoT network" or your name, address, or router model name. It's best to use names that won't give the hackers valuable information they can use in attacks.

Want Assistance Improving Your Employee's Home Cybersecurity?

Due to the high number of remote employees, home networks are now a target for hackers. They are aware that they may contain both private and sensitive commercial information. Avoid making yourself vulnerable to a breach. Contact us to learn how Logicle IT can help your company's users maintain the security of their home internet.

This article is used with permission from The Technology Press.

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