Logicle IT

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proactive cybersecurity

Small and large businesses alike are vulnerable to cyber-attacks because nearly all companies today operate online. It could happen to anyone. Moreover, threats from cyberspace are no longer an isolated event; they're a daily risk that no company can claim to be unaware of. Ignoring cyber threats is a luxury you can't afford!

Data breaches have far-reaching consequences, including irreparable damage to a company's brand and significant incurred costs. So, when it comes to cybersecurity, the best offence is a good defence. You may be asking yourself...

"How can you protect your business with cybersecurity?" 

There is no way to totally eliminate cyber risks, but you can predict where threats will come from and prevent serious problems from occurring. Proactively investing in cyber security is the best protection for your business.



Cyber risks are a growing concern, so educate your employees on the basics and teach them how to make intelligent decisions. It may seem like common sense to stay safe online, but it's easy to make mistakes. When your employees unwittingly invite hackers into your company, they can pose the greatest threat to your business.


An easy win to protect yourself from new types of threats is keeping track of your software and operating system updates. Did you know most software and particularly operating systems have an “end of life date”? This is when support and software and operating systems become most vulnerable. Logicle IT implements an update cycle, this ensures our clients remain protected.


As a result of continuous monitoring, you can detect malicious activity. As long as you have a continuous monitoring system, you can rest assured that any risks will not be allowed to get out of hand and endanger your organisation. At an early stage in their development, risks are easier to manage and less costly to correct.


When it comes to handling company data, do you have a set policy? If a data breach occurs, how will your team respond? Does a Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) policy for employees who use their personal devices exist? Policies should include whether regular password changes are required of your team and most importantly, enforcing multi-factor authentication (MFA).


Cyber threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and no single software package can protect your business from them. Even though individual solutions can offer some protection alone, they are not sufficient. No good comes from slapping on a bunch of different solutions without a plan. Developing onion-like layers of security are said to work the best to protect your company's assets. Essentially, protecting your business using a multi-layered defence system.


There are cybersecurity breaches that can mean your data becomes inaccessible. Ensuring you have regular backups which have been tested for availability (whether daily or as part of scheduled disaster recovery tests) will give you peace of mind you can recover the data prior to the incident quickly and in an accessible format, ensuring business continuity.


To get an accurate picture of your company's vulnerability, you should test your system through penetration tests and attack simulators. These tests will reveal when and how cyber-attackers may strike and identify areas of weakness. In addition, you'll know where to focus your efforts and be able to develop an incident response plan and strategy.

To help companies like yours protect themselves from cyber threats and manage their security risk, logicle IT has decades of experience. logicle IT has extensive practical backgrounds in assessing, responding and securing businesses.

Partner with us and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing that cyber intelligence professionals are proactively protecting your business. Don’t delay, get in touch today!