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The very real cost of not being pro-active in IT

Don't wait for it to stop working.
Can we afford to have our crucial fee earners' workflow hindered by their hardware if it's not specified correctly? Or missing a deadline due to out-of-date hardware?

When it comes to everyday life, we may be able to take the risk of only replacing something when it stops working. It may be an unnecessary luxury to have a replacement waiting in the wings, but there is a real cost to not taking a proactive approach when it comes to your business.

We want to sweat our hardware assets and get the most out of our investment, but are we sweating them at the expense of our business? 

We have seen the usual situations with regular reports of: 

“my teams’ computers are too slow,” 

“I have staff spending 30 minutes every morning waiting for their PC to start up,” 

“My PC can’t run the latest software.”

You get the picture. It was clear to us very quickly that implementing a proactive approach to replacing hardware with a sensible asset lifecycle process would eliminate these issues.

The benefits of a proactive approach to replacing hardware exceeded
client expectations, including:

  • Reducing the risk of losses in money and productivity

  • Simple budgeting for when the hardware needs to be replaced

  • Seeking alternative options such as virtual desktops.

  • Avoiding unexpected expenditure due to hardware failure

  • Increasing productivity

  • Hardware meeting software upgrade requirements and increased workflow

  • Happy employees

Finding the sweet spot for your hardware needs

We all know technology moves quickly; 3-4 years is a long time to expect a piece of hardware you regularly use for business activities to be as good as it was on day one.

It’s not an exact science, and you need to find a sweet spot that works for you. If your hardware is not under intense pressure every day, you might employ a longer hardware asset life cycle for that particular piece. 

We have experience in finding the sweet spot. Through our consultancy services, we can assist you in keeping your hardware needs current and appropriate to your business processes. get in touch