Logicle IT

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How do we bring environmental value to our clients?

We're thrilled to contribute environmental value to our Clients by adopting sustainable practices, offering green technologies, and promoting sustainable initiatives. Interested to know how?

Sustainable Design Tools

We integrate sustainable design principles into our managed service, encouraging our clients to adopt environmentally friendly practices. By promoting sustainable design, our tools contribute to reducing the environmental footprint of construction projects, promoting eco-friendly solutions, and conserving the environment.   Virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) enables us to do this, and by primarily supporting clients moving to or using VDI, they (& we) reap the environmental benefits! 

  • Server Consolidation: VDI allows multiple virtual desktops to run on a single physical server. This consolidation reduces the overall number of physical servers required, leading to energy savings and a smaller data centre footprint.

  • Dynamic Resource Allocation: VDI platforms dynamically allocate resources based on demand. During periods of low activity, resources can scale down, reducing power consumption. This adaptability enhances energy efficiency compared to traditional desktop setups.

♻️Hardware Lifecycle and E-Waste Reduction ♻️

  • Extended Hardware Lifespan: With VDI, end-user devices (such as thin clients) can be more straightforward and have a longer lifespan than traditional desktops or laptops. Consequently, reducing the frequency of hardware replacements decreases electronic waste generation.

  • Centralised Management: Centralising computing resources in a data centre enables easier hardware upgrades and replacements. Upgrading server hardware in a controlled environment is often more efficient than replacing individual desktops, minimising the overall environmental impact.

🏡Remote Work and Telecommuting 🏡

  • Reduced Commuting Emissions: By enabling remote work through VDI, employees can access their virtual desktops from anywhere with an internet connection. The reduced need for daily commuting results in lower carbon emissions associated with transportation and supports sustainable economic development.

  • Global Talent Access: VDI facilitates collaboration among geographically dispersed teams, enabling companies to access global talent without extensive travel, contributing to a more sustainable and diverse workforce.

🔄Resource Optimisation 🔄

  • Optimised Software Licensing: VDI allows for centralised software deployment and licensing, ensuring efficient software use. Instances of over-licensing are reduced, and unnecessary software installations are minimised, contributing to resource optimisation.

  • Peak Load Management: VDI systems can efficiently handle peak loads by allocating resources dynamically. Maintaining excess capacity to accommodate occasional high-demand periods becomes optional, leading to resource savings.

🔐Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity 🔐

  • Reduced Risk of Data Loss: Centralised data storage and backup solutions in VDI environments reduce the risk of data loss in case of individual device failures. Data security is enhanced, and the environmental impact associated with data recovery and restoration efforts is minimised. 

By integrating these environmentally conscious practices, we can support our client's sustainability goals and help reduce the overall environmental impact of IT operations. If this is something you’re interested in, chat to us!