partnering with a 100% renewable data centre.

Through our unique green power provided by our data centre services, LOGICLE IT provides clients with both the business and environmental benefits of renewable energy.

Data Centres

The energy footprint of data centres comprises a variety of components, although electricity is the dominant energy input in daily operations. Because all of the equipment – servers, storage, and networking – is powered by electricity, the data centre's environmental impact is largely determined by the source of that electricity.

Many data centres connect directly to the local electrical grid, and non-renewables still account for a considerable portion of the electricity mix in most nations. This is crucial to data centre electricity usage since 100% renewables cannot be guaranteed if the data centre's electricity is received from the grid. As a result, when renewables are unavailable, electricity must be procured from other sources, and utilities must make up for their commitments through offsets or renewables purchased elsewhere.

Today, the cloud accounts for considerable data centre consumption, that’s basically AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure programmes. While non-renewables provide a substantial portion of the electricity, a transition to a cleaner grid is underway.

Our Data Centre

Our data centres are helping build a more sustainable future by transitioning to 100 per cent renewable energy derived from the wind, sun, and sea. Our data centre was one of the first data centre operators in the UK to do so. As a result, they are among Europe's greenest facilities, assisting our clients and us in lowering our carbon impact.

Moreover, rather than relying on confusing carbon credits and deceptive offset schemes, our data centres' electricity is generated by the wind, sun, and sea. This is in line with the spirit of our data centre, to own and manage as much of the service chain as they can.

Our data centre was constructed from the bottom up with only the most energy-efficient infrastructure, including adiabatic cooling and containment systems, which are entirely free of dangerous refrigerants and rely solely on water for extra chilling.

When you combine this with the fact that they only utilise 100 per cent renewable energy, our data centre has the lowest carbon footprint in the UK, with capacity PUE ratings as low as 1.05.

Renewable energy is not only good for the environment and society, but it is also cost-effective and reliable. Furthermore, long-term fixed contracts can be established because renewable energy costs are steady.
logicle IT can assist you in making the switch to our 100% renewable data centre, supporting the commitment you make to your clients and the environment. Get In Touch.


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