It’s world back up day!

Today our technology geeks take the opportunity to remind you of the need to back up your data. Of course, we remind you of this much more frequently than once a year, but we'll use this as an excuse to do it again!

Backup Fail

Your Information Takes Priority Over Your Device.

Hardware is inexpensive and continues to get more so. But do you realise what's valuable, if not priceless? The three weeks you spent drawing up those plans, the £1,000 worth of music and movies on your hard drive, and the digital film of your baby's first steps.

You can purchase a new computer or phone, but you won't be able to replace those crucial files.

big hitters with big back up fails.

According to MySpace, which was formerly the premier social network for Millennials, they lost millions of songs, photographs, and videos during a server data move in 2019. As a result, more than a decade of digital music history was lost, and consumers mourned the deletion of their early lives' data. Source: Mashable.

Most of us have had the unfortunate experience of mistakenly deleting a document, resulting in the loss of many hours of labour. Oh, the sheer feeling of terror!

Consider a full-length feature film. Pixar almost lost the animation for Toy Story 2 in 1998 when a command was accidentally run that destroyed everything on the file system. 30 individuals would have to work for more than a year to replace the lost work. However, after being shocked to learn that their previous month's backup had failed, the crew eventually discovered the missing data on a team member's personal computer and managed to preserve the film just in time. Source: Independent

So What to do?

Back it up!

When you back up your data, you're essentially generating a duplicate of whatever you don't want to lose. If the originals are lost, you can use a backup service to restore the backups to your computer (or phone, tablet, or other devices).

In technical terms, a backup is any piece of data that exists in two locations. Because the primary goal of a backup is to have a plan in place if the source data becomes unavailable, it's typical to keep backups elsewhere, such as online or, at the absolute least, on a second hard drive, even if it's an internal one.

Why Back up your data?

There are several instances in which having a data backup may be beneficial:

  • If your phone is stolen, you will lose all your photos and videos.

  • When an external hard drive fails, your videos/music/important files are lost.

  • You leave your laptop at a cafe and lose all of your work.

  • Your data is held hostage by a virus unless you pay to have it released.

  • You make a mistake and delete something crucial.

what is my back up option?

Online backup services are a big hit with us. Using a cloud backup service (commonly referred to) is the simplest, most cost-efficient, and effective option to protect your vital data. A cloud storage service differs from a cloud backup service in that the former often does not allow you to back up data automatically or on a schedule. Instead, it's a place where you can selectively upload crucial files that you want to keep off your actual device. You can find more information about this popular issue in our recent blog.

Have questions about online backups or are not entirely sure what it is? We can help with that. We’ve supported many clients through the process of establishing a secure backup solution, and we’re ready to help. Get In Touch.


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