The Perfect Start For Your Employees

Are you experiencing bumpy onboarding? Nailing the experience will benefit the entire employee's stay with your Practice. Learn why effective onboarding leads to a smoother start.

The Perfect Start For Your Employees


The stats say it all...

  • New employees who undergo a structured onboarding process are 69% more likely to be with the company after three years than those who did not.

  • Employee retention is a critical concern because the cost of losing an employee in the first year of employment is estimated to be at least three times their annual salary.

  • According to the Recruiting Roundtable, effective onboarding programs can improve employee performance by 11.5%.

So, what is critical?

Incorporating IT into the onboarding process ensures new employees have the resources, tools, and support they need to effectively transition into their roles, contributing to the Practice's success and growth. But why?

Access to Tools and Systems

New employees need access to the tools, software, and systems required for their roles, including email, communication platforms, project management tools, and any specialised software vital for their functions. Without these, you’re essentially setting your recruits up to fail!

Productivity and Efficiency

Properly configured IT systems and tools help new employees start their tasks and projects immediately, boosting their productivity and efficiency from the beginning of employment. In addition, IT oversees the setup and configuration of hardware such as computers, laptops, smartphones, or tablets, ensuring they are correctly configured with necessary software and security measures - essential to supporting productivity and efficiency.

Orientation and Training

IT systems often house orientation materials, training modules, and resources to help new employees learn about the organisation's policies, procedures, culture, and expectations. This centralised access simplifies the learning process and lets employees know what is expected. It also supports compliance with cybersecurity policies and best practices to protect sensitive data.

Communication and Collaboration

Effective communication and collaboration are vital for any organisation. IT provides platforms and tools for employees to connect, collaborate, and share information seamlessly, allowing new employees to integrate into teams and projects smoothly. Alongside this, user accounts can be managed by IT with appropriate permissions, ensuring new employees can access only the systems, projects or team information relevant to their roles.

Remote Onboarding and support

IT is essential for remote onboarding in an increasingly remote or hybrid work environment. IT ensures new remote employees have the necessary technology and support to begin working remotely and stay connected with the team. Typically, new employees encounter technical issues or have questions about IT-related matters. Access to IT support and a helpdesk enables quick resolution of problems and ensures a positive experience during onboarding.

Don't leave the onboarding process to chance. If you need support in arming your new employees with the tools they need to make a productive and effective start, talk to us!


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