Cyber Security for Architects, Engineers and Construction Professionals.

With increasing threats, practices must take cyber security seriously to stay protected. Our advanced managed cyber security services will safeguard your business from threats and vulnerabilities, be they malicious or accidental.


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★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Review

“Stuart and the team at Logicle IT have provided us with IT support for many years now, and it has been a breath of fresh air.”

James Vanner | Director
Vanner Pererz


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Benefits ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Client Confidentiality

Logicle’s cybersecurity package ensures that your Practice’s client data is kept secure and prevents unauthorised access, maintaining trust and compliance with data protection regulations.

Protection of Reputation

Clients, consultants, and contractors are likely to trust a Practice that takes the necessary steps to protect their information and investments; Logicle’s cybersecurity offering will do just that, protecting data and your Practice’s reputation.

Business Continuity

Our cybersecurity strategies, such as regular data backups and disaster recovery plans, contribute to business continuity so a Practice can recover quickly without significant disruptions in a cyberattack or system failure. Your data is 100% secure, recoverable and accessible in the event of a crisis using our backup and recovery solutions.

Protect Intellectual Property

Architects deal with valuable intellectual property, including designs, plans, and innovative ideas. Our cybersecurity support helps protect these assets from unauthorised access, theft, or malicious activities.

Secure Communication

Regular communication with clients, contractors, and other stakeholders through various digital channels is a daily occurrence; our cybersecurity support protects the confidentiality and integrity of these communications, preventing interception or tampering.

Financial Protection

Cyberattacks can lead to financial losses, ranging from the cost of addressing a breach to potential legal repercussions. Our cybersecurity measures help protect a Practice’s financial stability by reducing the risk of such incidents.

Need help in making your I.T. work for you?

“We help Practices frustrated with their IT to support business growth, reduce downtime and improve project workflows. If that sounds like something you’d like to know more about, let’s chat!”

Stuart Gateson | Director
Logicle IT